Become an Approved Center

B-TIC offers its qualifications through numerous delivery centers in UK & globally. To be able to deliver B-TIC qualifications you will need to become an approved center.

If you are a potential College, Educational Institution or an Employer and having resources, appropriate processes and expertise you may apply to be Recognized Center to deliver B-TIC Qualifications. 

You may make an initial inquiry filling the following form below. 

    1. First Name

    2. Last Name

    3. Email

    4. Phone Number

    5. Whatsapp Number

    6. Name of Centre

    7. Centre Website

    8. Country

    9. Which of our Qualifications are you interested in delivering?

    10. When do you intend to start delivery?

    11. Additional comments

    12. Signed

    13. Date

    Download the B-TIC center Handbook below for further information